Monday, December 27, 2010

Cosmic Lovin'

Someone up there likes me.
I've got good Kharma.
Lady Luck is on my side.
The Cosmos has smiled on me.

I don't know what it is, but good things have been happening.

Things like

MEG Grant came in for the Wordsworth Lakes project. This means that, a week in late May, I'm going to the Lake District. For free. Plus, for the first time, I'll have a research job that pays me. WIN-WIN.

Pulled an A- out of Matt Wickman's class. He is gettin' cookies or a shrine or something. Sweet mercy.

White Christmas in Georgia. 1.3 inches. Last time there was snow on Dec 25th in GA was 1882. And my brothers were nice enough to come outside, in the dark, and through around some snowballs with me. I love being home.

Lunch with an old friend from high school. Good sweet potato fries, good person.


Let's hope my luck holds out a little longer--applying for Pell grants and a few scholarships tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Even so, today was a great day.

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