Monday, November 14, 2011

This is why I do my thinking after the sun goes down

So. I just figured out a line of poetry that's been puzzling me for weeks.

"Would God I were a Sibell to divine / In worthy vearse your lasting happyness: / Then only I should be Characteres"

That last bit- I assumed that "Characteres" was just plural. (BTW-Characteres in this context is a kind of shorthand/cipher/code thing).


It is a title- Characteress. She wants to be a code writer. yay for non standardized spelling.

but IT FINALLY MAKES SENSE. And it fits in exactly with my argument.


And now I feel super smart and awesome.

Here is the song that's been on repeat for the last hour. Its making me feel like a poetry-reading rock star.

That is all. Back to the grindstone. Thank you for listening.

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